Hinckley Institute

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The Hinckley Institute Team

Jason Perry, JD
Jason Perry, JD
Morgan Lyon Cotti, PhD
Associate Director
Morgan Lyon Cotti, PhD
Natalie Tippets, MS
Associate Director, Government Relations, The University of Utah
Natalie Tippets, MS
Gina Shipley, MPA
Managing Director of National Internships & Development Officer
Gina Shipley, MPA
Jean Oh, M. Ed.
Managing Director of Global Internships
Jean Oh, M. Ed.
Nick Cockrell
Managing Director of Community Engagement
Nick Cockrell
Brooke Doner
Director of Marketing
Brooke Doner
Ann Lopez
Outreach Coordinator
Ann Lopez
Alex MacFarlane, MSc
Administrative Program Coordinator
Alex MacFarlane, MSc
Sheely Edwards
Student Staff
Sheely Edwards
Aya Hibben
Student Staff
Aya Hibben
Nahum Tadesse
Student Staff
Nahum Tadesse
Gabriela Villalobos
Student Staff
Gabriela Villalobos