Hinckley Institute

Home Hinckley Heroes

2023’s UGiving Day

Thank you to our amazing Hinckley Heroes!

The support from these amazing donors ensured the success of our 2023 scholarship fundraising efforts. Their gifts go straight into our scholarship fund, helping to ensure every student has access to transformative internship opportunities.


Marcia Madsen became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $2000 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


My experience with the Hinckley Institute was life changing. From putting together programs, to interning at the state legislature, to an internship in the Senate in Washington, D.C. that led to a full time job – and the opportunity to attend law school.  I saw how Congress worked up close day in and day out. I had the benefit of working with principled and amazingly talented people – never a dull moment. A real highlight was the research for my senior  Honors Thesis which involved interviewing Senators who had been closely and directly involved in the events that I was writing about.”


Des Barker became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


Desmond Barker has many ties to the Hinckley Institute. He remembers an affinity for the Hinckley offices from his own days as a student and is proud to be able to host interns at his own firm today. As a new generation of the Barker family excels in internship opportunities, the Hinckley Institute is grateful to continue this friendship.


Julie Burton became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


“The University of Utah, gave me the tools I needed to navigate. And, as a result, I have built a lifetime of work trying to make a difference for women and girls so all of us can be seen as valuable, as smart, as independent, as equal.”


Cole Capener became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


“I have no doubt that my Hinckley internships reflected favorably on my applications to various law schools and ultimately on my acceptance at the George Washington University National Law Center where I received my Juris Doctorate in 1981.”


Darin Gilson became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


My Hinckley internship in Washington D.C. was a key part of my undergraduate education at the University of Utah, and gave me real-world opportunities and insights to compliment the things I learned in the classroom.  I also loved serving as the student host of the "Coffee and Politics" series that the Hinckley Institute sponsored. These experiences provided me with great access to wonderful leaders, mentors and role models to help guide my future pursuits.”


Natalie Gochnour became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


“My Hinckley connection was the highpoint of my undergraduate education. Nothing else even comes close. Each experience helped bolster my confidence. The lessons I learned compounded and gave me a solid foundation of experience as I entered the workforce.”


Mark Paul became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


“The Hinckley Institute of Politics played a pivotal experience in my collegiate experience. Both Washington DC and SLC Utah internships taught me how our government works, how to understand and respect others who are different from myself and fostered life long friendships. By far, one of the greatest life changing experiences on campus!”



Frank Pignanelli became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


“The Hinckley Institute provided me with practical hands-on experiences and opportunities that fostered my success as a lawyer, politician, lobbyist, and citizen. I am grateful for the skills of messaging, analysis and strategy development that were imparted to me.”




Cody Rogers became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


It's hard to adequately describe how much of an impact the Hinckley Institute of Politics had on my life. College is a time of finding one's self, one's passions, and one's opinions. It's a place to challenge what you thought you knew, introduce you to new ideas, and help you be a better consumer of information. The Hinckley provided me with that unique place to do all of those things and more.


Karl Rove became one of this year’s Hinckley Heroes with a generous donation of $500 to the Hinckley Institute’s scholarship fund! These funds will help break down barriers for more students to access internship opportunities.


"The Hinckley Institute led me to my first paid job in politics at the age of 19 and the rest is history."